Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Sundays in Costa Rica: Soccer

It was a normal Sunday, a day to relax, be with family and especially here in Costa Rica to watch soccer. Most of the families in our area have small children and the when you take a drive through the area, every soccer field is full. The shouting can be heard blocks away as goals are being made, adults cheering on their sons and

daughters who are running on the field in the hot tropical sun.

Soccer or football as they call it in Costa Rica, has found its way into every home on Sundays, there is no escaping it. We spent the last Sunday watching soccer in Platanillo a small rural town out of Turrialba. The children were playing on a very muddy field, all seemed very happy to be getting their white soccer uniforms dirty. The parents on the sidelines cheering them on and giving them guidance most are in their first year of playing on an actual team that does not consist of their older brothers!

It’s fun to watch them play, some running back and forth not sure what they are doing; others just running wherever the ball happens to be ; all in good fun. Their parents eager to see goals made, other players defeated, the kids just seem to be having fun.

After the game the children get food and still continue play amongst their own team, they don’t tire.

What did come next was a surprise, the adults came to play after the children and it seemed the whole town comes out to see these games. It was amazing to see the town converge on the soccer field at noonday. The children come running hoping to play again before the adults take over the filed for what we are sure is a fierce and serious game.

Though most is for fun, afterall Sunday is the day off here in Costa Rica but soccer is just as important as relaxing in Costa Rica.

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